Presented by: Ottawa Punk Pinball, House of TARG
Cover: Free
Tournament Fee: FREE
Start Time: 8pm / All Ages/All Skill Levels
∙ Tournament Starts at 8pm Sharp - Show Up Early To Register!
∙ FREE/NO COVER OR ENTRY FEE (Just Pay for Your Games)
∙ Sanctioned by the International Flipper Pinball Association
∙ Win Prizes & World Pinball Player Ranking Points
∙ All Ages & All Skill Levels Welcome!
Tournament Format: 'Strikes' Knockout Style. Players will be randomly assigned an opponent and a pinball machine to play a match. Losing a match will get you a Strike - 3 STRIKES YER OUT! Last player standing will be crowned the winner. Number of strikes used in the tournament will be dependant on player count/attendance (2 or 3).
We are keeping track of your progress for the 2017 Pinball Season - featured every month in TARG ZINE.
Big prizes throughout the year so try to show up every month and rack up some points - It's all about the long game. One ball can change it all. Never Give Up.
Current standings can be found here in the pages of TARG Zine.
NOTE - All pinball machines & Classic Arcade games are available for play by non Tournament participants but hey why not get involved?
$1 OFF Perogies Every Wed.