Celebrating the Women Who Shaped Gaming and Pinball

Happy International Women’s Day. Let’s pay homage to women who shaped the gaming and pinball industries—from pioneering designers to legendary artists, musicians, and composers.

Suzanne Ciani – The legendary electronic music pioneer who composed the sound effects for Xenon (Bally, 1980), making her one of the first women to contribute to pinball audio design.

Carol Shaw – The first female video game designer, best known for River Raid (1982).
Dona Bailey – Co-creator of Centipede (1981), one of the earliest arcade games with mass appeal.
Yoko Shimmer – Composer for Street Fighter II, Final Fight, and later Kingdom Hearts.

Brenda Romero – Game designer on Wizardry and advocate for women in gaming.

This female gaming pioneer was so successful she retired at 35 - www.stylist.co.uk


Women In Gaming: 100 Professionals of Play

PWO runs a monthly tournament at TARG. The group welcomes cis and trans women, non-binary, two-spirited, and gender diverse players of all skill levels and ages!
Women in the Ottawa area interested in playing pinball, sharing info, and introducing other women to pinball should definitely get in touch with PINBALL WOMEN OTTAWA.



Media Coverage of the 2023-24 Ontario Women’s Provincial Pinball Championship At TARG

P.W.O. To Host The 2023-24 Ontario Women’s Provincial Pinball Championship At TARG

Ottawa to Host the 2023-24 Ontario Women’s Provincial Pinball Championship for the First Time.
Pinball Women Ottawa invites the public to feel the excitement, absorb retro vibes, and come watch pinball wizards vie for the Provincial Championship Title.

Ottawa's women of pinball finally in a league of their own
Group gets $1,000 grant to help host provincial championship next month

Pinball fans of all ages can watch the Championship starting at 12:00pm on Jan 21, 2024. For a fee of $10, fans can watch the action and play the classic arcade games not being used in the competition. Attendees can expect to see impressive displays of skill and strategy as these talented players compete for the title of IFPA Ontario Women’s Provincial Pinball Champion.

TARGtv Video Playlist for April 2022

**** WORLD VIDEO PREMIERE: B.a. Johnston - “My Opinion of Above Ground Pools” Added to The Playlist.***
Check out what’s coming to TARG this month! Lots of tunes & vids from Bands who are performing this month to get you primed for our Return To Fun! Each monthly playlist also contains some weirdo vidz to help you distracted from the stuff you don’t feel like doing right away :)
If you like what see try subscribing to the TARGtv Youtube Channel for more insider info & silly stuff.

About COVID-19 & TARG

Hey folks - due to show/band cancellations and public health/safety concerns we have made the very difficult decision to close TARG to the public effective immediately - we will be assessing this rapidly evolving situation and posting updates as we go. Thank you for your patience and please stay tuned for news - stay healthy & #nevergiveup - we will re-open to the public as soon as possible REMEMBER to game at home so that you are still in shape for the TARG re-opening! #ottawa #love

Issue #71 of TARG Zine is Available For An Under-Par Reading Experience... uhh?

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INSIDE ISSUE #71: One of the best things about February is our annual FAMILY DAY AT THE ARCADE FreePlay Party Mon Feb 17 …. details inside. A LOVE BOAT Themed Valentine’s Day variety show starring REMI ROYALE to an Evening of SKA/REGGAE to an moody ColdWave/SynthPop All Ages show… lots of entertainment to choose from this month - WICKED SHOWS ALERT helps you navigate it all. Wizard Mekki pushes the envelope of experimentalism and good taste with his “Stuff That Should Never Be Pickled” experiment - read all about these culinary transgressions in his column LA CUISINE MACABRE. Bernie reviews the 1983 ATARI classic CRYSTAL CASTLES. The Stormtroopers face a harsh 613 winter in this months hilarious TOYS R JOSH comic. Mega talented Curtis included some sweet “TARG in SPACE” themed Valentine’s Day cards for all of you cheapskates - so good. Our Jibber Jabber column is where you can find a bunch of miscellaneous TARG stuff including: Metallica’s KILL ‘EM ALL is the subject for our “Classic Album Covers Re-Created At TARG” feature + a new brew by ASHTON BREWING now in the TARG beer fridge, info about and amazing RUSH theme show (R.I.P. Neal Peart), A new golf themed game is on the floor & info about an amazing International Women’s day Pinball Tournament. Larry From Meow That’s Hot reviews a killer summertime fun album by Mother’s Children to help keep seasonal affective disorder at bay. Did you know Meow! Thats Hot Kitchen + Bar (519 Bank St) has a wild open stage every Tues 7:30? Its hosted by the one and only Slo’ Tom - all performers/jugglers/musicians/depressed poets/spectators are invited - anything can happen! Daisy discovered a couple trouble making spuds for the latest edition of POTATO OF THE MONTH. Wizard Shiela interviews our pal CAS HOUDE from ASHTON BREWING COMPANY for the Sister In the City column. Josh Stafford’s Across the Street Column covers some interesting facts about the horror classic Friday The 13th to celebrate its 40th anniversary - catch the screening Friday March 13 at Ottawa’s best Cinema THE MAYFAIR. SLO’ TOM has lots of advice for lovers in his advice column this month. Jennilee has another adorable wizard themed illustration for yaz to colour. Marie Eve Scarey provides a cool pic of Ottawa PeacePunks DOGMA doing their thing for the Feb TARG Pin-Up plus everything you need to know about all of the excited events taking place at TARG this month can found in Yogi’s Perogram. Grab your FREE copy at the arcade or Download the PDF here…   

The First Issue of TARG Zine 2020 is Here!

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This months zine cover features a wizard casting a spell of positivity & good times for 2020 onto all those who peer into these pages - wonderfully illustrated by the uber talented Jennilee Murray. She has been providing the whimsical TARG colouring pages for the past 6 years - so grateful she lends her magic to this weird little publication that has been going for a phenomenal 70 issues - thanks for reading eh!

INSIDE THE JANUARY 2020 ISSUE OF TARG ZINE: Mark your calendars - we have another amazing SYNTHWAVE FreePlay Nite coming this months - details inside. Just a heads up that Kenneth J MacLaurin design Classic TARG T-shirts are back in stock, get ‘em while you can. Punk, Metal, Country, Jazz, Rock - an eclectic offering of concerts to choose from this month - read the WICKED SHOWS ALERT page to get the scoop on the shows we are excited aboot! Esteemed video game reviewer BERNIE, spotlights an obscure NAMCO game from 1980 that deserves your quarters. Josh’s toys brave icey Ottawa conditions to bring you some laughs in the the TOYS R JOSH comic strip. The most adorable baby Yoda illustration in the world appears in Curtis’ highly unusual 'TARG in Space' comic - soooo weird! Lots of TARG JIBBER JABBER going down this month including our new “Classic Album Covers Re-Created At TARG” challenge + some serious Wizard hi-scores & some wild fashion - get with the latest TARG gossip. Larry from MEOW! THAT’s HOT Kitchen + Bar reviews a pretty cool split single from 1988 featuring 2 legendary Ottawa Bands. Wizard DAISY is back with her bizarre POTATO OF THE MONTH piece. If you want to get prepped for our GIMME A BREAK: 80s Hip Hop Night this month you best check out the TARG GUIDE TO BREAKDANCING. JOSH STAFFORD shares some cool information about the Award Winning director Richard Stanley’s return to the silver screen - which premieres across the street at Ottawa’s most beautiful cinema the MAYFAIR Theatre. Good ol’ SLO’ TOM has a bunch of new advice for a new year. Jennilee reps the Mayfair  in this months cool colouring page. You can’t get much heavier than Ottawa treasures MUFFLER CRUNCH - and rock photographer ANDREW CARVER’s lens caught them doing their thing for this months TARG PIN-UP - be sure to catch their highly anticipated record release party Sat Jan 18, and finally everything you need to know about the amazing shows & events happening at TARG this month can be found in Yogi’s Perogram. Grab your FREE copy at the arcade or Download the PDF here…


Issue #69 of TARG Zine is Under The Tree Ready For You To Open

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INSIDE ISSUE #69: We have a casual & fun FREE-PLAY New Years Eve Party lined up with a Killer band from MTL that performs Quentin Tarantino movie soundtrack tunes live - details inside TARG Zine. Pinball tournaments, All Ages Hardcore, Pop-Up Holiday Market, a New Wave concert… check out our list of the best events going down this month in our Wicked Shows Alerts column. Bernie reviews the mega fun gun game TARG(et) TERROR. The Toys R Josh comic features The Caped Crusader getting a little Hangry with The Boy Wonder. Curtis’ TARG IN SPACE comic this month…. Well it is just as bizarre as ever. We count down some of the most dangerous toys of all time in the KILLER KRISTMAS TOYS article. We have a brand new column we think you will love - POTATO OF THE MONTH - we see our fair share of spuds around the TARG kitchen while preparing our world famous handmade perogies so every month WIZARD DAISY will be photographing unique ’taters that look like famous things, public figures & even animals…its gonna be spudtacular. Larry reviews a fun Christmas album called TENVOLT for THE HOLIDAYS featuring some amazing local talent. Meet Griffn our newest Wizard in the Wizard of The Month feature. Sheila interviews video artist and MAVEN (Marshall Audio-Visual Network) founder Leslie Marshall in the Sisters in the City column. Our pal josh from the Mayfair Theatre shares some info about the screening the most exciting, witty, feminist, aviatrix thriller you will ever see on the big screen - that made you curious eh? Slo’ Tom has some suspicious advice and tips for the holiday season in his much loved column. Jennilee takes on a pretty standard theme for her colouring page… a Robot perogi belly buttoned snowman… you know normal colouring page stuff nothing weird here. The rather frightening “Hugo: the man of a 1000 faces” & Seasons Beatings mascot is this months TARG Pin-up and finally everything you need to know about the amazing shows & events happening at TARG this month can be found in Yogi’s Perogram. Grab your FREE copy at the arcade or Download the PDF here…

The November Issue of TARG Zine is Here & That's No Joke!

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INSIDE ISSUE #68: From krautrock infused Synth to Old time RocknRoll from Japan to Danish neo-Psych - pick your passion from this months list of buzz worthy concerts from the always informative WICKED SHOWS ALERT column, Monty has some tips for playing Sterns latest pinball machine THE MUNSTERS in his Master Class column, Captain BERNIE MAN gives 5 stars to our 1991 superhero video game “CAPTAIN AMERICA & THE AVENGERS”. The month long wait is over for the latest 2 page spread of TARG IN SPACE - the highly usual comic by our man Curtis. Perogi Wizard Mekki debuts his column “La Cuisine Macabre” with a canned pasta shootout between Zoodles, Alphagetti, Mini Ravioli & Beefaroni - find out which trashy tin comes out on top. It has been 30 years since Local Punk Funkster Legends FURNACEFACE released their first 7” SUCKED INTO DRUGLAND - Larry from MEOW! Thats Hot dusts it off and gives this classic a review, mega talented illustrator/actor/writer, admired TARG alumni & TARG Zine colouring page artist Jennilee Murray is featured in Sheila's SISTERS IN THE CITY interview column, November 2019 is when the science fiction staple Blade Runner was set & that's why THE MAYAIR is having some special screenings of the original theatrical release this month - get primed & psyched with Josh Stafford’s notes on this dystopian masterpiece. Our official advice columnist SLO’ TOM gets a message from his arch enemy “ChipNut” but manages to handle it with poise & grace and was still able to conjure up enough energy to respond to some questions about bicycle accidents and baby naming. We have a new pinball machine on location… if you want to spoil the surprise, read this months TARG ZINE, amazing photographer Petr Maur points his lense at BLACK GALAXY for the November TARG PIN-UP band photo and finally everything you need to know about the amazing shows & events happening at TARG this month can be found in Yogi’s Perogram. Grab your FREE copy at the arcade or Download the PDF here…