Inside Issue #67 of TARG ZINE: everything you need to know about the House of “ARG” Halloween Pirate Party, Did you you know we now sell frozen perogies that you can take home to cook yer self & we have a new Pumkin Pie Perogies on the menu? Get the full scoop inside TARG Zine. Ubiquitous video game & potato chip aficionado Bernie reviews one of our most recent video game acquisitions - OFF THE WALL (Atari 1991), The cover of this months zine comes from the owners manual of our SEGA 1995 rare pinball machine “Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein” - Monty's Master Class article reveals some tips that will help you Bury the competition. Things are getting super weird (surprise surprise) in Curtis’ “TARG in Space” serial comic, side splitting humour can always be found in the Toys R Josh comic strip, Larry from Meow! Thats Hot Kitchen + Bar exhumes & reviews the self titled 2005 album by THE BANDITAS, our good pal Steph Herman (Average times drummer/Knotty Hangs fibre artist) is the subject of Sheila’s SISTERS IN THE CITY interview column, Josh gives you the straight goods on all of the Super, Spooky Screenings at the Mayfair Theatre this month in his Across The Street Article, SLO’ TOM has some suspicious bartending & voting advice this month, DJ WOLFMAX (AKA Sunday FreePlay Dj KJMAXX) counts down his top 10 Spook-Tacular Trax On Wax to help you get into the Halloween Spirit! Our pal Andrew Carver captures post-punk outfit DEUX TROIS for this months TARG Pin-Up, and finally everything you need to know about the amazing shows & events happening at TARG this month can be found in Yogi’s Perogram. Grab your FREE copy at the arcade or Download the PDF here….
Renowned pinball artist/illustrator Dirty Donny Gillies’ awesome piece “Star Crasher” is featured on this months cover. Be sure to visit him at his Ottawa Pinball & Gameroom Show book signing Saturday September 21st 11am - 6pm - such a rad dude!!!!!
INSIDE ISSUE #66: September = the pinball event of the year - The Ottawa Pinball & Gameroom Show, 100+ games set to freeplay + a Pinball History Exhibit + Gameroom Collectables Vendors + Pinball Machine sales + Dirty Donny Book Signing!! + 2019 O-Town Throwdown ifpa pinball tournament…. read all about it in TARG Zine. Bernie gives us the straight goods on one of our most recent video game acquisitions - RYGAR (Tecmo 1986), Monty provides you with everything you need to know to get multi ball happening on our new The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997 SEGA) pinball machine, In the arcade rumours department: 2 new pinball machines are coming to TARG this month - an old fave from a galaxy far far away & another one that features an Edgar Winter tune - are you curious? On a serious note & one that is very dear to the hearts of TARG Wizards, CKCU Radio (& other student groups) rely heavily on student levies to keep important community services going - this year students will be given a choice to opt out of payments when they register - read CKCU Program Director, Dave Aardvark’s, appeal to students to not opt out in a "Message to Students”. Synthtember is coming - lots of rad SynthPop & SynthWave events happening at TARG this month - get Switched On with TARG Zine, A snacky webslinger is featured in this months hilarious TOYS R JOSH comic, Curtis adds another chapter to the already strange & bizarre world that is the TARG IN SPACE cartoon also... ATTENTION BANDS/PROMOTERS/BUSINESSES/ART LOVERS - if you need cool illustrations be sure to visit - 'cause Curtis gots the mega talents!!!! Larry from Meow! Thats Hot reviews a mind blowing concept album from Ottawa instrumental doom titans Monobrow - did you Meow! That's Hot has a Bring Your Own Vinyl nite every Wed? Highly recommended for fun, good food & brews + Larry might even review a record you bring in for his next TARG Zine article, Sheila casts the spotlight on journalist JENN JEFFERYS for this months SISTERS IN THE CITY interview column, Disney is buying up everything in sight - so what does this mean for independent theatres like the MAYFAIR? Josh Stafford gives some perspective in this months ACROSS THE STREET article. This can be a stressful time of year for students but no need to worry, SLO’ TOM has lots of “good” Back 2 School advice in his column this month. THE ROBOTS ARE COMING… real robots that physically play guitar, bass & drums will be performing at TARG on Thurs Oct 3… sound too good to be true... learn more about the San Fransico grindcore band CAPTURED! BY ROBOTS #showoftheyear, One of Jennilee’s most amazing illustrations commemorates the best meal of the week… open up TARG Zine to colour BRUNCHBOT, DwyerJPhotography captures a killer action shot of TARG fave David Taggart of Rebelle for this months TARG PinUp and finally everything you need to know about the amazing shows & events happening at TARG this month can be found in Yogi’s Perogram. Grab your FREE copy at the arcade or Download the PDF here….
Grab your FREE copy at the arcade or
download it here:
INSIDE THE AUGUST EDITION OF TARG ZINE: Summer fun continues at TARG this August with 1/2 Price Perogies every Wednesday + Family FreePlay August Super Sundays 11am - 8pm. Limited VIP tickets are now available for the Pinball Event of the year: The Ottawa Pinball & GameRoom Show Sept 22 & 23 at The Nepean SportsPlex - details in TARG Zine, Get the skinny on our very first FRIDAY NITE FREE-PLAY with 4 of the the cities most legendary DJ’s Spinning Ska & Reggae all night long - Unlimited Arcade Action & a Ska Dance Party for just $5 - yes please, Everyone’s fave arcade expert, Bernie reviews the often forgotten about video game classic EYES (1982, RocK-Ola), This month Monty’s Master Class is an insider's guide to skill shots on 4 of TARGs most popular Pinball machines - guaranteed to elevate your “game”. DJ Dream Warrior counts down 5 essential SYNTHWAVE tunes to help newbs get up to speed for some upcoming Retro Futuristic events coming soon to TARG, the TOYs R JOSH comic gives us a glimpse into the Klingon Training Academy, Curtis gets weird (surprise surprise) with this months amazing TARG IN SPACE comic, Larry From MEOW! That’s Hot reviews some Ottawa Pop Punk From 2008, All of our best show recommendations can be found on the WICKED SHOWS ALERT page, This months SISTERS IN THE CITY interview is with one to the city's music scene game changers, Zoë Argiropulos-Hunter of First Crush Promotion - check it out! Josh From across the street has info about a Big Screen Cartoon & Small Screen Cartoons coming to the Big Screen at The Mayfair Theatre, the questions keep coming, for some reason, and SLO’ TOM keeps answering with suspicious advice… on the agenda this month… The Summertime Blues, Canadian Culture & Mutual Rashes, what’s an arcade without rumours? Check TARG Zine to find out what new game might be coming in AUG, this months’s TARG Pin-Ups are the soft & fluffy Indie rockers The Monotymes - this is the first Band Selfie (is that even a thing) that we have ever used, also don’t be alarmed by all of the Geddy Lee photos in this months Zine… we are just beyond excited to have DEVAH QUARTET perform Rush’s prog masterpiece 2112 live on Friday Aug 23, and finally everything you need to know about the amazing shows & events happening at TARG this month can be found in Yogi’s Perogram. Grab your FREE copy at the arcade or
download it here:
11am - 8pm Every Sunday during AUGUST
YEP - we are extending the Family FREE-PLAY to every Sunday in AUGUST - BONUS!!!!!!
Fun for the whole Family.
All 25+ of our classic video game machines will be set to FREE-PLAY. 11am-8pm EVERY Sunday in JULY
Quick & Crash, Centipede Cocktail, Multicade Cabinet Cocktail, Captain America, Space Invaders, Tekken 3, NEO GEO Multicade, Special Forces Elite Training, Arkanoid II: Revenge of Doh, Terminator 2 Judgement Day, San Francisco Rush the Rock - Alcatraz Edition, Area51/Maximum Force, The Keisatsukan 2, TARG(et) Terror, Police Trainer, Mortal Kombat II, RoadBlasters, Galaxian Multicade Cabinet, Marvel Super Heroes, Total Carnage, Rygar, Double Dragon, Super Chexx Bubble Hockey, Tetris, Turbo, , PLUS …. OUR MULTICADE Machines feature all of your fave Classics from the Golden era of video games : Bubbles, Burger Time, Donkey Kong, 1942, Galaga, Galaxian, Qix, Pac Man, Pooyan ....
PINBALL - *our collection of 17 pinball machine will be available for pay play - $1 per game
every Sunday 11am - 2pm
(regular perogi service continues at 3pm)
choice of 2 eggs (fried or scrambled), 3 traditional perogies, Ukrainian kolbassa sausage (3 pieces), 2 pieces bacon, 2 slices of choice of white or brown bread, unlimited coffee or tea. Garnished with orange twist
scrambled egg (1 egg), 3 traditional perogies, 2 pieces bacon, 1 slice choice of brown or white bread. Garnished with orange twist.
6 Vegan perogies, cashew cream, mixed fresh fruit, white or brown toast, endless tea or coffee.
It’s the ultimate breakfast sandwich. Pretty much everything you see on this menu (eggs, bacon, sausage, perogies.) ...all in a convenient format that will impress your face. Invented and conceived by Davey - our sSunday expert… ask a wizard for details.
WIZARD SNACK BOX - served until 11am - 3pm every Sunday
Snack sized Handmade Traditional Perogies - Small (4 perogies) $6 - Traditional handmade potato & cheddar perogies with a dill infused sour cream. Perfect pinball fuel.
Glowing Bug Riders & Neon Panthers - Issue #64 of TARG Zine Has it All
This months special edition full colour front cover features some wild artwork by TARG’s resident mural artist Pat Buck - it's just a glimpse into the neon dimension that will crack open on Thurs Aug 1 at our very first art show: GLOJOB A new collection of blacklight artwork by Jesse Germs and Pat Buck.
INSIDE THE JULY EDITION OF TARG ZINE: Tap Invasion alert - Draught fans rejoice - we have just added 3 new handles - read all aboot our newest beers, Prof Bernie goes undercover to review the 1983 TAITO spy game Elevator Action, Lots of great entertainment coming your way this month - From Surf to Indie Punk to Jazz to Brit Pop… see what tickles your fancy in our Wicked Shows Alert, Fleix, our man on the street, interviews Anthony Cardozo the brains and winning smile behind the SIDE BY SIDE WEEKEND: Ottawa’s newest Independent Music Festival taking place at TARG next door at BLACK SQUIRREL BOOKS July 25 - 28. Summer Fun at TARG all July… 1/2 price perogies every Wednesday & Family Free-Play Super Summer Sundays 11am - 8pm all month long … details inside TARG Zine. The TARG machine is in deep space and deep $h!t in Curtis’s TARG IN SPACE comic, Larry from Meow! Thats Hot helps prep you for an above average summer by reviewing some summer good times wax by AVERAGE TIMES, Hamburglar contemplates getting with the times in the Toys R Josh comic, Photographer and Rebel 101.7 Marketing director LAURA COLLINS is featured in Wizard Sheila’s Sisters In The City interview column. Josh from ACROSS THE STREET announces a cool series of Retro 1980s films directed by women that will be screening at The Mayfair theatre this month, Summer is all about entertaining & Slo’ Tom has some great tips that could elevate you to the status of the Host with the Most - check out his advice column, Our pal Petr Maur captures two bad a$$ dude for TARG pin-up of the month…. And everything you need to know about all of the great shows and events happening a TARG month can be found in YOGI’s Perogram. Grab your copy for free at the arcade or download it here….
11am - 8pm Every Sunday during July
Fun for the whole Family.
All 25+ of our classic video game machines will be set to FREE-PLAY. 11am-8pm EVERY Sunday in JULY
Strike Master, Centipede Cocktail, Multicade Cabinet Cocktail, Superman, Tekken 3, NEO GEO Multicade, Special Forces Elite Training, Arkanoid II: Revenge of Doh, Terminator 2 Judgement Day, San Francisco Rush the Rock - Alcatraz Edition, Area51/Maximum Force, The Keisatsukan 2, TARG(et) Terror, Police Trainer, Mortal Kombat II, RoadBlasters, Galaxian Multicade Cabinet, Marvel Super Heroes, Total Carnage, Double Dragon, Super Chexx Bubble Hockey, Tetris, Turbo, Space Invaders, Captain America PLUS …. OUR MULTICADE Machines feature all of your fave Classics from the Golden era of video games : Bubbles, Burger Time, Donkey Kong, 1942, Galaga, Galaxian, Qix, Pac Man, Pooyan ....
PINBALL - *our collection of 17 pinball machine will be available for pay play - $1 per game
every Sunday 11am - 2pm
(regular perogi service continues at 3pm)
choice of 2 eggs (fried or scrambled), 3 traditional perogies, Ukrainian kolbassa sausage (3 pieces), 2 pieces bacon, 2 slices of choice of white or brown bread, unlimited coffee or tea. Garnished with orange twist
scrambled egg (1 egg), 3 traditional perogies, 2 pieces bacon, 1 slice choice of brown or white bread. Garnished with orange twist.
6 Vegan perogies, cashew cream, mixed fresh fruit, white or brown toast, endless tea or coffee.
It’s the ultimate breakfast sandwich. Pretty much everything you see on this menu (eggs, bacon, sausage, perogies.) ...all in a convenient format that will impress your face. Invented and conceived by Davey - our sSunday expert… ask a wizard for details.
WIZARD SNACK BOX - served until 11am - 3pm every Sunday
Snack sized Handmade Traditional Perogies - Small (4 perogies) $6 / Large (6 perogies) $8
Traditional handmade potato & cheddar perogies with sautéed onions & dill infused sour cream. Perfect pinball fuel.
People are "Russian" To Get Their Hands On Issue #63 Of TARG Zine...
Tetris - the blockbuster Soviet export video game Turns 35 this month! Let celebrate one of the most anxiety inducing games of all time!
INSIDE THE JUNE ISSUE OF TARG ZINE: Everything you need to know about our annual FATHERS DAY FREE-PLAY ALL YOU CAN EAT BRUNCH BUFFET. TETRIS turns 35 this month - get your history lesson and protect yourself from fake arcade news with TARG Zine. Did you know we have a special FREE-PLAY Sunday planned for this month that will feature a 100% SynthWave soundtrack? Details inside TARG Zine. 10 years ago Perogi Wizard DAVEY was challenged to write & record a song a day for an entire year… get the full scoop on the musical hurricane that took over his life! Cat lovers will love Bernie's review of the 1983 NAMCO classic MAPPY. Get prepped for the next TARG Monthly Pinball Tournament by studying Monty’s pro tips for our new DEADPOOL pinball machine. Comic Strip artist Curtis has expanded the Adventures of TARG universe to the last frontiers… space & bootleg underwear - sooo weird. Larry from MEOW! That’s Hot Kitchen + Bar reviews some more local vinyl from the late ’80s. Yep even Josh’s toys need therapy - see for yourself in the latest Toys R Josh comic. Wizard Sheila has a cool interview with CHUO 89.1 FM Station Manager Erin Flynn in her Sister In The City column. Josh Stafford from the Mayfair Theatre is excited about the premiere of NIGHTMARE CINEMA - the latest offering from the Horror anthology genre. Our advice columnist SLO’ TOM ventures out of his “wheelhouse” to answer some on a topic he knows absolutely nothing about... Sports! Yep it's a good one. questions about sports - god help us. Photographer Andrew Carver captures synth wizard Mike “Muff Wiggler” McGrath (R.I.P. 1974-2019) in action from a past show for this months TARG PIN-UP - we will be celebrating Mike’s contributions to the Ottawa Synth Community with some special performance by some of the city’s most creative electronic musicians on Thurs June 27. And last but not least - everything you need to know about the shows & events this month can be found in Yogi’s Perogram. Grab your free copy at the arcade or download it here...
BLACKOUT! Issue #62 of TARG Zine Is Now Orbiting!
The MAY cover of TARG ZINE pays homage to one of the most amazing pinball back glasses of all time… BLACKOUT (1980) - but nothing compares to seeing a real one these beauties in person - which you can do at HOUSE OF TARG.
INSIDE ISSUE #62: Choose your own adventure by carefully selecting one of three valuable TARG coupons, Mothers’s Day FreePlay Brunch info inside, The May Wicked Shows Alert offers some tips for planning your entertainment this month, Professor Bernie shares the ins & outs of the classic 1984 bartending game TAPPER, Curtis the Comic book artists has TARG on a new space themed adventure, Get all the info you need about our new 1980 solid state pinball machine BLACKOUT - follow the tips and to achieve hi-scores - its all in Monty’s Master Class, Our Multicade machines total 60+ games from the golden age of video games - ARCADE ACTION suggests a couple for you try, MEOW! THAT’s HOT Kitchen + Bar at 519 Bank always has some awesome Canadian wax spinning - that’s why co-owner Larry features a local vinyl review every month in TARG ZINE - this month - THE JOHN HENRYS - Sweet as the Grain (2008), Stormtroopers eating hot dogs? True story - check it out in the TOYS R JOSH comic strip, Our good buddy Sheila shares a cool interview with the talented & very busy founder/creative director of DEBASER, Rachel Weldon, An anime sword fighting classic is coming to The Mayfair Theatre - let josh Stafford tell you all aboot it in his column ACROSS THE STREET, SLO’ TOM knows a thing or two about a thing or two…. this month, he gracefully responds to some criticism, shares some driving advice & provides some comforting wisdom for those who are apprehensive about growing old, DJ KJMAXX shares an inspirational FREE-PLAY story, forgot to buy mom a gift… just colour Jennilee’s May weirdo illustration & give it to her… who wouldn’t want your amateurish crappy colouring as gift? VJ SKA Jeff is this months TARG Pin up - only a few months of school left to hang this precious photo up in you locker AND of of course everything you need to know about all of the amazing shows and events happening at TARG this month can be found in YOGI’s PEROGRAM.
TARG HI-FIVE: Issue #61 of TARG Zine is here!
WOW - thanks Ottawa! A well deserved Hi-Five from all the TARG Wizards to you for support us since 2014 - that’s 5 years this Wed April 17 - Amazing!
INSIDE ISSUE #61 - check out our list of every band that played & every game you played at TARG between April 2018 - April 2019…. it’s a long read! If you are interested in stats we have you covered with our "5 year Hi-Scores" - everything from the number of bands that played TARG to the number of perogies that were handmade for the past 5 years. Take a sneak peak at some of the fun staff in store for you at our official 5 Year Anniversary Party Wed April 17. Our trusty WICKED SHOWS ALERT hi-lights a few not-to-be-missed shows for all sorts of musical tastes, Professor Bernie gets into the. spirit of spring by reviewing the 1981 classic LADYBUG in his Video Game Superguide, CURTIS still hasn’t run out of funny ideas for the amazing ADVENTURES OF TARG Comic… so weird! METAL UP YOUR CATS is back this month… well sort of… you gotta see it to believe it. TRAPPED UNDER ICE is a new Canadian Metal Compilation on wax but it is also touring show featuring 5 of the best metal bands around - details inside TARG zine. You already knew BA Johnston was coming back to TARG on Fri April 12 to promote his new album “The Skid Is Hot Tonight” but did you know he has his own TV show? Learn all about BA’s 6 HAM JAM episodes in out SKIDFLIX listing. Larry re-visits the self titled TOKYO SEX WHALE in his What's Spinnin' At Meow! That’s Hot review column, This month's TOYS ARE JOSH comic features He-Man & Jabba The Hut - prepare to laugh, Sheila is back with another interview with an inspirational woman from the Ottawa Arts/Entertainment scene, "NUDE ON THE MOON… A Man discovers a Nature Camp On the Moon” - yep that's the title & premise of a strange & rare 50 year film showing Across The Street at the MAYFAIR THEATRE this month - let Josh Stafford prime you for this truly bizarre flick. Oh boy, Chip Nut is back but SLO’ TOM takes care of the situation in his advice column. If you have a calculator watch then it would be easy for you to figure out that 5 Years of TARG also means 5 years of SUNDAY FREEPLAY - read DJ KJMAXX’s anniversary message. The amazing Jennilee finds inspiration in her fave Futurist painter Charles Demuth for this months colouring page, Andrew Christian Carver captures Ottawa Psych Rockers SLOW DAWN in action for this months TARG Pin-Up plus everything you need to know about all the amazing concerts & events taking place at House of TARG this month can be found in YOGI’S PEROGRAM. Grab yer free copy at the arcade or Download it here.
That's nearly 1440 pages of content created over the past 5 years by some of the most supportive and talented folks arounds… Mega thanks to all of the contributors past & present for believing in TARG and providing us with some much needed distractions.
INSIDE THE MARCH EDITION OF TARG ZINE: we have some tips for celebrating International Women’s day at the arcade, Heads up - our annual March Break FreePlay Arcade Party for Kids is now 2 days - details inside, A few new things at TARG this month here are some hints: Pizza, Miracles & Sweatshirts, As usual, the Wicked Shows Alert page suggests the months best bets for all sorts of musical tastes, Bernie reviews the 1982 arcade classic DIG DUG, Garfield author Jim Davies has nothing on our Adventure of TARG creator CURTIS… checkout his 59th comic for TARG Zine (he missed one month because he became a Dad), Shanks At McCranks? Yep its a real thing and it is beautiful - read Patrick Shanks’ article, House of TARG & C*4 join forces to create an absolute dream day for Ottawa Wrestling fans…. details inside, Larry from Meow! Thats Hot reviews some fresh new wax from Ottawa punks NECK of uncle D records, the Toys R Josh comic this month will make you groan & remind you how brutal this winter has been, Sheila interviews Singer Songwriter Rita Carter in her Sister In The City column, Meet the new TARG Turbo Champ, Josh tells us all about the amazing UP ALL NIGHT FEST happening at THE MAYFAIR theatre this month, SLO’ TOM is asked to speculate on outcomes of few celebrity fantasy fist fights: The Beatles vs The Monkees, Snoop vs Martha, Roth vs Hagar - yep its a new low for his “advice column” & you know you can’t wait to read it. The amazing Jennilee has just made it possible for you to colour TARG’s Mysterious Mannequin ARDETH, The handsome Steve Adamyk is this months pin-up cause he is releasing his 6th album - Amazing… and everything you need to know about this months amazing events can be found in Yogi’s Perogram. GRAB YOUR FREE COPY AT THE ARCADE OR DOWNLOAD IT HERE